Case Results
Case Results in Green Bay Area
The results listed are case-specific and cannot be guaranteed. Results will vary on a case-to-case basis. Every case has different facts, circumstances, parties, and legal issues, which impact the outcome. Froelich Law Offices, its attorneys, or staff do not guarantee any results. Payment of outstanding legal fees is not dependent on results unless otherwise agreed upon in the fee agreement.

Brown County
Brown County — Client was charged with uttering a forgery — felony for signing checks on a roommate’s bank account. Attorney Froelich was able to get the case resolved with a misdemeanor theft charge that included short-term probation, no jail, and expungement (which means that the charges will be eliminated from the client’s record). The client avoided a felony conviction and prison time as a result of attorney Froelich’s expertise.
Brown County — Client was charged with a felony drug offense as a result of a police traffic stop. Attorney Froelich secured police reports and police video of the traffic stop. Attorney Froelich was able to successfully argue constitutional Fourth Amendment violations by the officer resulting in a deferred judgment agreement and no jail/prison time imposed. The client was able to avoid a felony conviction as a result of attorney Froelich’s experience and legal analysis.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich represented a husband in a divorce which involved a bitter custody dispute involving two children. Attorney Froelich took the case to trial which lasted several days. Attorney Froelich called witnesses and presented numerous exhibits showing that the father was a more capable parent. Attorney Froelich utilized the services of a psychologist who performed a custody evaluation. Attorney Froelich was able to secure a 39-page decision from the court awarding the father primary placement of the children. Attorney Froelich was later able to completely eliminate the father’s maintenance obligation in the approximate amount of $2,800 per month.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich represented a husband in a long-term divorce. Counsel was able to negotiate a settlement that allowed the client to retain 100 percent of his retirement accounts, the majority of the personal property, including tools and equipment, and avoided paying any maintenance to the wife.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich represented a wife in a long-term divorce which involved a bitter custody dispute. Attorney Froelich was able to secure primary placement of the children for the wife, substantial child support, and a period of maintenance payments for her. Attorney Froelich was able to utilize his experience and skill to protect the client’s rights and assets. Attorney Froelich was able to work with the guardian ad litem to secure a favorable custody and placement arrangement.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich represented a client who had a restraining order filed against the client by the spouse. Attorney Froelich defended the restraining order in court and cross-examined the spouse about the alleged facts. Attorney Froelich was able to convince the court to dismiss the restraining order against his client due to lack of evidence. This saved the client’s job and allowed the client to avoid having a four-year injunction imposed.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich was able to lodge a successful collateral attack on prior OWI convictions, which resulted in lesser penalties for his client.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich was able to secure dismissal of OWI-second offense after a motion hearing challenging the legal basis for a traffic stop.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich represented a client who was charged with disorderly conduct-DVO for a domestic violence incident between former spouses. Attorney Froelich was able to get the charge reduced to a noncriminal ordinance violation and avoid a criminal record.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich was able to get a felony substantial battery charge dismissed after having a preliminary hearing. Counsel was able to argue self-defense for a professional athlete, which did result in earlier dismissal of the felony charges.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich was able to secure a deferred prosecution agreement for a client who was charged with a fourth-degree sexual assault — misdemeanor. The resolution allowed his client to avoid any criminal conviction.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich was able to get felony drug charges reduced to a misdemeanor offense after challenging the quantity and packaging of evidence.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich represented a client who was accused of first-degree sexual assault of a child. Attorney Froelich took the case to jury trial and was able to receive a jury verdict of not guilty for a client who was facing substantial imprisonment time.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich did represent an incarcerated client who was charged with multiple felonies, including burglary, armed robbery, false imprisonment, and other offenses. Attorney Froelich took the case to jury trial and secured an acquittal on all charges for his client who was released from custody. Attorney Froelich was able to successfully defend his client in court who was facing over 87 years in prison.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich did represent a client accused of first-degree sexual assault of a child — felony. Attorney Froelich took the case to jury trial and was able to skillfully cross-examine the witness’ credibility at trial, which did result in an acquittal of his client on all charges.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich did represent a client accused of an OWI-third offense. Attorney Froelich was able to argue for a sentence that resulted in only 45 days of jail being imposed with fines and other penalties. The state was requesting substantially more jail time of 140 days.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich filed a motion to dismiss challenging the legal basis for the traffic stop. The client was a passenger in a vehicle that was the subject of police surveillance for controlled drug delivery. Attorney Froelich was successful in arguing the motion to dismiss all felony drug charges, which resulted in the client’s case being dismissed.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich was successful in getting expungement for a client who was accused of theft offenses. This resulted in the client’s misdemeanor record being expunged and stricken from CCAP.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich has represented numerous parents in civil termination of parental rights jury trials. He has been able to protect and preserve parents’ rights to their children in certain circumstances. He has successfully argued to the court that it is not in the best interests of the children to terminate parental rights.
Brown County — Attorney Froelich represented a client accused of multiple drug offenses. Attorney Froelich was able to raise legal defenses and get the charges reduced to a misdemeanor offense with probation and no additional jail time.

Oconto County
Oconto County — Client was charged with possession of firearm by a felon. Attorney Froelich argued that the client was only a passenger in the truck driven by a third party who owned the firearm. The client had a prior felony conviction and was in close proximity to the firearm which was fired by the driver. Attorney Froelich was able to skillfully assist the client to avoid a felony conviction and any incarceration time, thus protecting our client’s freedom to continue working.
Oconto County — Client was charged with suffocation/strangulation involving a serious domestic violence argument with the spouse. Attorney Froelich was able to get the client released on bond while the case was pending. Attorney Froelich was able to successfully get the felony charge reduced to a misdemeanor offense and convinced the court to lift the no-contact order between husband and wife. Attorney Froelich was able to protect the client from having to serve any jail and his efforts allowed the client to go home to continue supporting the family.

Shawano County
Shawano County — Attorney Froelich represented a client who was charged with an OWI-fourth offense. Attorney Froelich filed a motion to dismiss or suppress the OWI charge. Attorney Froelich was able to successfully get the OWI-fourth charge dismissed after an evidentiary hearing and cross-examination of the arresting officer.

Pulaski — Attorney Froelich successfully appealed OWI-first conviction in municipal court to circuit court. Attorney Froelich was able to get the OWI-first citation dismissed after a motion hearing and legal arguments.

De Pere
De Pere — Attorney Froelich was able to successfully argue on several occasions against the imposition of IID (ignition interlock device) under certain circumstances. Attorney Froelich did secure the assistance of a forensic toxicologist in some cases.

Oneida County
Oneida County — Attorney Froelich was able to successfully argue for dismissal of felony theft by contractor charge for the client.

Kewaunee County
Kewaunee County — Attorney Froelich was able to secure a resolution for a client charged with possession of child pornography that did not involve any prison sentence despite there being a mandatory minimum prison sentence.
Kewaunee County — Attorney Froelich was able to get disorderly conduct — domestic violence offense (DVO) amended to an ordinance violation, which resulted in the client not having a criminal record.
Kewaunee County — Attorney Froelich was able to win a jury trial and convince the jury that there was no legal basis for the termination of parental rights of his client. The jury verdict did allow counsel to then later seek a return of the children to their parents.

Manitowoc County
Manitowoc County — Attorney Froelich successfully argued for a deferred prosecution agreement for a client accused of disorderly conduct-DVO. This resulted in the client not getting any criminal record for the incident.
Manitowoc County — Attorney Froelich was able to get felony drug charges amended to a misdemeanor offense under a deferred judgment agreement. This plea agreement did result in a client not having any felony record.

Marinette County
Marinette County — Attorney Froelich was successful in assisting a client accused of felony animal neglect and abuse charges. Attorney Froelich was able to negotiate a deferred prosecution agreement, which resulted in no criminal conviction for his client.

Marinette County, Oconto County, and Brown County
Marinette County, Oconto County, and Brown County — CHIPS cases: Attorney Froelich has been able to successfully secure dismissals and consent decrees for parents so that they could avoid having an adjudication that their children were in need of protection or services.
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